"I Would LOVE Boudoir Pics of Me... But I'm So Nervous." | Boudoir Photographer NY

As a featured and awarded boudoir photographer in NYC, I hear many women saying, ‘I Would LOVE Boudoir Pics of Me… But I’m So Nervous.’ To that I say, I GOT you, Girl!

Freeing. Transformative. Empowering. That is how clients who have chosen to push past their fear and nerves describe what it was like to actually go through their boudoir photoshoot experience with me. And of my 110+ 5-Star reviews on Google the most overwhelmingly reported word about working with me is 'comfortable!' And guess what? Each and every one of those clients started out nervous too!

Curious how you too can push through your nerves to get your boudoir photos done - and be so incredibly glad you did? Read on.


Nervous about doing boudoir shoot? Don’t be! Client Testimonial

For starters, rest assured: feeling nervous at first about a photo shoot of an intimate nature like this - it’s normal and natural. Most, if not all of my clients are at first.

But that is what is so special and transformative about choosing to pose for boudoir photos is this:

It is when you make it to the other side of what you are nervous about that you can stand in your POWER and feel FREE and EMPOWERED (not to mention, so proud of yourself). It’s the BIGGEST reward and satisfaction that lies just on the other side of everything you thought was scary - until you decided to trust yourself and do it for you!!!


Calm Boudoir Nerves by Getting to Know Each Other First

Before a camera lens is ever pointed your way, you’ll get to meet me face to face via Zoom first.

I always insist: I don’t want to be a stranger with a camera on the day of your boudoir shoot - that can be so daunting! Instead, I want you to feel more and more comfortable with both me and the idea that yes, you’re actually doing an intimate photoshoot and it’s going to be amazing! Plus, you’ll also learn that these photos are just for you - it’s up to you if you ever want anyone else to seem them by always being in control of your photos' privacy.

Trust me, you’ll get excited planning all the fun details and designing a session that feels unique to you, your tastes, your comfort level and your aesthetic. You’ll also get real about what you love about yourself - and what you are working on loving more - so that we can plan the perfect outfits, lighting and posing to accomplish you seeing the most gorgeous photos of yourself you’ve ever seen. And, even if you have a fear of the camera, or even if you have the preconceived notion that you won’t look good in photos - I’m here to dispel that for you.


Retail Therapy! Replace Boudoir Shoot Nerves with Excitement While Shopping for Fun Heels, Luxurious Lingerie + Boudoir Outfits

There is rarely the client I meet who isn’t happy for a little boudoir retail therapy — especially when it goes towards making her look and feel amazing the day of the photoshoot. Playing dress up is pampering and delicious in and of itself. Shopping for fun heels or jewelry or sexy boudoir outfits - or even satin sheets for your bed if doing an in-home boudoir photoshoot - is FUN. Plus don’t worry, I always guide you to the best places to shop based on your likes, body type - and even budget. So whether you are looking for lingerie pieces you can invest in, or for something fabulous that photographs great but is budget friendly, I got you covered.


Shoot Day: Step Into Your Power! You’re Gonna Rock Your Boudoir Shoot!

Even if you are still feeling a little bit jittery, know you’re going to do great! Just relax as you are getting gorgeous hair and makeup done, and take a moment to yourself to just be pampered.

Then, when you’ve got your tunes rocking’ and making you feel great and we’re laughing together, and chatting like old girlfriends having a good ol’ time (making you forget about the camera) - you will forget you were ever nervous, you will let go of your inhibitions and just follow my lead to allow me to pose you for THE most gorgeous photos of YOU you have ever imagined.

And when it’s said and done, you’ll be more confident and you will most likely love yourself just a little bit more too! And that’s even before you see the photos of you - the most gorgeous, sexy you you’ve ever seen. Want proof? Just check out my boudoir gallery that is full of nothing but women who overcame their initial nerves to rock out their shoot! Want more proof still? Check out my boudoir testimonials and hear what clients had to say.

Remember: it’s ok to be nervous at first, but don’t let nerves get in the way of you doing the photos! Every step of the way, I GOT YOU, girl! So go ahead, click on the button below and be on your way to an amazing experience that exists beyond your nervousness.

I Want to Push Past My Nerves - Show Me How