As a New York City boudoir photographer who's photographed hundreds of women, I've worked with many women who've chosen boudoir as a way to celebrate themselves in their IVF journey: many of those journeys long and challenging, often dampening sensuality, often putting into question one's very own feminine ability, or putting a strain on one's relationship to oneself and/or her partner. Which is why so many women find celebrating yourself in your IVF journey with boudoir photography is the perfect self-love gift: therapeutic, pampering, empowering, re-affirming of your womanhood and your body's sensuality - and can help you be more loving to yourself -- a bonus to your partner, too.
One gorgeous client coming in to celebrate herself in her IVF journey, Ms. P., generously shares her boudoir photoshoot experience and photos with us. Read on and see more from her beautiful NYC boudoir session and her experience with us.