Personally, I speak to at least one prospective boudoir client every day who feels shy talking about it because, well, she can’t pronounce it - and sometimes also because she can’t fully grasp a way to define it.
Now before I go any further - do, I implore you, know this: there’s never a reason to feel shy or embarrassed talking to me about our session together. Our conversations, as well as our sessions, are always a judgement-free zone.
Know too, I’m a firm believer that to educate yourself is to empower yourself is to feel confident about yourself - and I’m here for you for all of that.
So without further ado, let’s have you confident in speaking about it (especially when you’re excited you’ve just booked your session and want to tell all your besties about it), here it is:
Boudoir, derived from French, is pronounced like ‘Boo-Dwar.’ Yup, that simple.
Funny aside: a woman recently thought of another French word that rhymes with boudoir, armoire - when she fumbled through (her words, I swear) in trying to Google her session with me. Heehee! Yes, an armoire can exist in a woman’s boudoir - it’s a fancy cabinet for clothes (and for lingerie). And neither of us is sure how exactly Google connected the dots, but we’re both surely glad Google did - so that this woman could find me and we could work together. Yay! But I digress.
So now that you know how to say it, what is Boudoir?